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Seeking a Church home?


Finding a church home is not always as easy as it seems.   We are sure you have some questions.  Maybe these answers will help.

Where is Whaley Church?

We are located at 701 Rosedale Dr. in Gainesville Texas.  We are in North Central Texas in the "most partriotic small-town in America."   Click here for a map.    On Sundays -    Worship  10:30


What is a United Methodist?


A lot goes into a United Methodist.  Check out the official United Methodist website:


What is there for children and youth?


Children and Youth are serious business at Whaley Church.  We have many opportunities for our little ones ranging from Sunday School classes, Wednesday Night Activities to Mission trips.




In the United Methodist Church, communion is done the first Sunday of the month.  Our communion table is open to everyone.  You don't have to be a member, or even a Christian for that matter.  It is HIS table and it is set for you.


Is Whaley an old stuffy church or comtemporary?


We like to think that worship at Whaley is a blended worship service.  Yes, we use traditional hymns, sometimes play the organ and sometimes the songs are oldies but goodies; but, we use modern hymns, video screens to display the words and sometimes even show a movie clip.  As long as it helps us deliver God's truth, it is fair game.


What makes Whaley different from other United Methodist Churches?


Our people and our campus are like no other church in town.  Our members are involved throughout the community.  You will see them at work in numerous local projects.   Our church sits on 9 acres of land and great facilities including a Family Life Center that encloses a basketball court, a kitchen, a giant Youth room, and a mezzanine large enough to play ping pong, air hockey and pool.


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