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What to Wear


It's not about being the coolest in worship.  Wear what you feel is appropriate.  The most important thing is that you are present, worshipping and in fellowship with others.

Worship & Communion

Worship is essential to wonderful faith journey.  At Whaley we celebrate the life of Christ in each service. Communion is normally shared on the first Sunday of each month.  You don't have to be a member of the church, or any church for that matter, to receive communion.  It is the Lord's table, open to anyone. Come, sing and worship with us.


Place & Time


9:15 a.m.  Discipleship Classes 

These classes are for all ages and our nursery will be open.

10:15 a.m. Fellowship, coffee and snacks.
No need to rush through your coffee--you are more than welcome to bring it into the sanctuary.   If you get coffee from the 'coffee shop' in the corner, lids are available.  

10:30 Worship in the Sanctuary

Both the coffee and worship are sure to leave you 'Strangely Warm', as UM founder John Wesley would say.

Music & Style

Our worship style is not overly old-fashioned or incredibly modern.  We bring praise with piano, pipe organ and sometimes guitar.  Special musical solos and regular songs from our choir lift our hearts in worship. Song lyrics are displayed on two large video screens along with graphic images that tie into the day's message.  Songs are a mix of 'new' songs from The Faith We Sing and classic songs from the United Methodist hymnal.  New songs are always refreshing.  
As they say "Even Amazing Grace was a new song at one time."


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Find us: 

701 Rosedale Dr.     Gainesville, TX  76240

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